Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Secret Organizations with in The United States Government

Everytime a consipracy circulating the United States Government rises there are always names of popular secret organizations that appear. Some of the popular organizations names include the "Illuminati", "Free Masons", "Skulls and Bones", and "The Bilderburgers". Now consipracist believe that these groups are all involved together, like in a group project to achieve one goal, of world controlled. Others believe that the most powerfeul group is the "Illuminati" and "Free Mansons" considering that they have been involved longer in history compared to the other groups. The most heard of groups are the "Illuminati" and "Free Masons". The one thing in common, consipracist believe in is that there were famous people involved in this group. Some of these famous people include Benjamin Franklin, John Hancok, George Washington and Andrew Jackson. All though some people like, Alex Jones try to prove these groups exist. No-one can say their existance is one hundred percent and nor can they say that the actions taken by the United States governement were influenced by these secret cults. I personally believe that these cults have influenced government actions in the past and present in order to have a future in their favor. I also believe that Alex Jones dones an exceptional job at revealing these actions with his documentary video like "The Obama Deception" and "endgame".


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