Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Consipracy behind 9/11 part 2

The second consipracy behind the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and the attack on the Pentagon is that the World Trade Center had planted explosives in the building already. And the Pentagon was attacked by a cruise missle instead of a airplane. Now the media and the United States Governemnt have convinced the general public that the collapse of the World trade center was caused by one plane going into each tower. For the Pentagon, the government wants you to believe that the Pentagon was attack by a commercial airliner(american airlines). Both of these scenerios are false because it is sicentifically impossible. The damage on the Pentagon was only a hole and showed no damage of an airplane outline, significant parts being outlines of an engine, vertical and horizontal wings. For the World trade center it was logically impossible for a building of such height to be taken down from an airplane from almost the top of the building. If it was possible for the building to fall down it could not have been possible for it to fall down straight. Eyewitnesses reported to hearing secondary unreported expolsives while it was collapsing as well and reporters on the sceen reported on those hearings. For more comprehensive detail on this truth, watch the documentary "Loose Change" from the link provided below.


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