Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Illuminati Overview

Although the Illuminati is a secret organization i believe that they do exist due to countless actions shown by Alex Jones and the action they take towards him to keep him silent. Illuminati which means enlightened is not just a secret organization but can also be related to satanic practicing. They worship a God named Luicfer, who promises them wisdom and power. Illuminati and Free masons are like one, they have taken in the same common ritual practices. The Illuminati are more than just a group of high elites they are a group of satanic worshippers. Their main objective is to achieve "A New World Order", which means an establishment to a one world government. They also want to eliminate all(false) religion and manipulate the general public. To not believe in the bible, nor anything related to it. To establish their goal of "A New World Government" they have to eliminate most of the world population. The only thing stopping the Illuminati now are the governments set up in place around the world, but each government has an off switch. For the United States Government for instint we have what is called, Marshall law. Consipracist believe that when Marshall law takes effect, Illuminati members will use it to take action for their plan of New World Order. Marshall law, is a law that temporary disables the constitution. Which also takes away all of human rights. The Illuminati will be free to do as they see fit. Now in the bible it states that their will be famine, natural disasters, and more natural causes. One of their methods in establishing a one world government is by wearing the mark of the beast, but we come to know this mark as a microchip that they implant in either your right hand between your thumb and index.


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