Thursday, May 27, 2010

Consipracy blog Summary

A bunch of consipracisy have been talked about in this blog. From Illuminati to Area 51. From basic consipracies ideas to complex more deeply envolved consipracy. Consipracies can be hard to follow as it plays a pshycological mental game. Most people do not believe in consipracies because the first thing that comes to mind is that it is fake. That it is just someones assumption or thought of what is really going on, but now we see that it is more than that. Now with the resources provided in today's society we can now back up our claims with facts and evidence. Its only up to the person who reads the claims whether to believe it or not. A consipracy is just to let the general public be aware of the danger or actions taking place when the cameras are turned off.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Area 51 Consipracy

Everyone has heard of Area 51 being the top secret military base. The consipracy at first was that no one knew where the base was located, but investigators later found out that it was located in nevada. Although this part was easy because there are "No Tresspassing" Signs near the area. The biggest mystery behind Area 51 was the question everyone kept asking themselves, what goes on there?. Usually residents nearby would see lights or projectiles in the sky near the area but not know what they were and with fear labeled them as UFOs, unidentified flying objects. In the defense of the base itself, workers and military officals later realsed that they were just testing new planes that were not recognized by people of the time because of the different model style. After Area 51 got intensed with their military aircraft testing an incident happen in Roswell, New Mexico. This is what sitrred up the whole contraversy behind Area 51. The insident that happen in Roswell was that a farmer was outside oneday as all of sudden saw a UFO crash land within his property and a few miles from the plane site he found a alien body. Within a few hours of the crash though the United States Government came and retrieved the UFO plane and the body. Taking the body to go under an exam and the plane to be sent to Area 41. When the body was done with the exam it was sent to Area 51. Ever since that they the mystery behind Area 51 came to the question of, does Alien activity occur within Area 51?

Illuminati in the music industry

This video just shows example of Illuminati symbolical messages and images in the music industry. Mostly concentrated around Hip Hop and popular names like Lady Gaga, Beyounce and Jay Z.


Illuminati in Hip Hop industry

Illuminati Symbols in Society

The illuminati's most recognized symbol is the "All-seeing eye" which is an eye that hovers on top of a pyramid brighting up. This video clip just shows that symbolical image in today's modern hollywood films. Some that we might have notice, others that we might have not. This video is only to show how often a person sees the symbol without recognizing it.


Illuminati in Hollywood

The Obama Deception

When talking about Alex Jones earlier i included him being a documentary filmmaker. This is one of his movies called "The Obama Deception". It surrounds the consipracy that Obama is a puppet and he is working for Wall st, for a symbolical meaning for working for someone with a lot of money. Alex Jones believes that "The selective elites" are hidden but control/pull the strings when it comes to running the government. The reason why they do it behind stage though is because if the general public does not like what the "Selective Elites" then the public just blames the president or the worst thing they can do is impeach him. Which does not matter to the "Selective Elites" because they are still in power they'll just have to find someone who will be there next puppet.



The Obama Deception(Full Length)

Illuminati Overview

Although the Illuminati is a secret organization i believe that they do exist due to countless actions shown by Alex Jones and the action they take towards him to keep him silent. Illuminati which means enlightened is not just a secret organization but can also be related to satanic practicing. They worship a God named Luicfer, who promises them wisdom and power. Illuminati and Free masons are like one, they have taken in the same common ritual practices. The Illuminati are more than just a group of high elites they are a group of satanic worshippers. Their main objective is to achieve "A New World Order", which means an establishment to a one world government. They also want to eliminate all(false) religion and manipulate the general public. To not believe in the bible, nor anything related to it. To establish their goal of "A New World Government" they have to eliminate most of the world population. The only thing stopping the Illuminati now are the governments set up in place around the world, but each government has an off switch. For the United States Government for instint we have what is called, Marshall law. Consipracist believe that when Marshall law takes effect, Illuminati members will use it to take action for their plan of New World Order. Marshall law, is a law that temporary disables the constitution. Which also takes away all of human rights. The Illuminati will be free to do as they see fit. Now in the bible it states that their will be famine, natural disasters, and more natural causes. One of their methods in establishing a one world government is by wearing the mark of the beast, but we come to know this mark as a microchip that they implant in either your right hand between your thumb and index.


Wall st. in the government

If you've read the previous blog about how some consipricist believe that their are secret cutls/organizations controling the actions taken by the United States Government and still dont believe in it because its kind of sceptical. Then here is a more practical approcach to the United States government being controlled. Now this consipracy surrounds around the idea of "Money is power". It is also connected to the consipracy behind the Federal Reserve and how it controls the circulation of the currency, as mentioned in a previous blog more descriptivly. To get around in today's society you need to have money, it has become an neccisity. To survive in this corrupt society you need to have the one thing that corrupts people, Money. Why the talk about money and its importance to society?. Well because the consipracy suggests that the people behind Wall st. The millioniars and even billioniars, the people that make more money than what Bill Gates and Steve Jobs make combine, are what consipracist like to call "The Selective Elites". There possession of such wealth has allowed them to be placed very highly in the social class. It has also allowed them to achieve access to numerious resources, like people and corporations.
Remember in class when we were told that the "Legislative Branch was a separate branch", as in it produced actions on its own and was not allowed to temper nor associate with others from the other two branches. Although they are still being influenced by the other two branches, lets just say that "The Selective Elites" are that manipulative factor.

Secret Organizations with in The United States Government

Everytime a consipracy circulating the United States Government rises there are always names of popular secret organizations that appear. Some of the popular organizations names include the "Illuminati", "Free Masons", "Skulls and Bones", and "The Bilderburgers". Now consipracist believe that these groups are all involved together, like in a group project to achieve one goal, of world controlled. Others believe that the most powerfeul group is the "Illuminati" and "Free Mansons" considering that they have been involved longer in history compared to the other groups. The most heard of groups are the "Illuminati" and "Free Masons". The one thing in common, consipracist believe in is that there were famous people involved in this group. Some of these famous people include Benjamin Franklin, John Hancok, George Washington and Andrew Jackson. All though some people like, Alex Jones try to prove these groups exist. No-one can say their existance is one hundred percent and nor can they say that the actions taken by the United States governement were influenced by these secret cults. I personally believe that these cults have influenced government actions in the past and present in order to have a future in their favor. I also believe that Alex Jones dones an exceptional job at revealing these actions with his documentary video like "The Obama Deception" and "endgame".


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Moon Landing consipracy

Everyone knows the story about the Apollo 11 landing on the moon in 1969. When Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon and say the famous phase "One small step for man, One big step for Mankind". Now after the video was released and the photos of Apollo 11 and future Apollo missions. It can be clearly seen that the moon landing is a hoax. According to the Discovery Channel show, Myth Buster. The photos taken by NASA themselves are fake photos. The photos show that there are not parallel shadow lines within the picture. Which gives theoirst the belief that there were assisted lighting involved. In another picture where one of the astrounants are entering the ship again, the astrounant is clearly seen. If Apollo 11 really went to the moon then he would have been in shadow making it harder for him to be seen.


Consipracy behind 9/11 part 2

The second consipracy behind the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and the attack on the Pentagon is that the World Trade Center had planted explosives in the building already. And the Pentagon was attacked by a cruise missle instead of a airplane. Now the media and the United States Governemnt have convinced the general public that the collapse of the World trade center was caused by one plane going into each tower. For the Pentagon, the government wants you to believe that the Pentagon was attack by a commercial airliner(american airlines). Both of these scenerios are false because it is sicentifically impossible. The damage on the Pentagon was only a hole and showed no damage of an airplane outline, significant parts being outlines of an engine, vertical and horizontal wings. For the World trade center it was logically impossible for a building of such height to be taken down from an airplane from almost the top of the building. If it was possible for the building to fall down it could not have been possible for it to fall down straight. Eyewitnesses reported to hearing secondary unreported expolsives while it was collapsing as well and reporters on the sceen reported on those hearings. For more comprehensive detail on this truth, watch the documentary "Loose Change" from the link provided below.


Consipracy behind 9/11 part 1 plus pentagon

This consipracy behind 9/11 deals with the United States currency, specifically the United States $5, $10, $20, $100 dollar bills. Starting off with the five dollar bill the suppose twin towers appear in the middle, but after later when looked at the ten dollar bill it appears with smoke. This symoblical meaning wants to signify the first attack(airplane crash) to the towers and how the smoke appeared in the air with towers still standing. In the twenty dollar bill we see the smoke getting bigger signfying( the second airplane crash) and the smoke and fire is gulfing the whole top section of the building. In the one hundred dollar bill we see only ashes left(when the towers collapsed) and when all of lower Manhattan was filled with the smoke from the terrible scene.

The same day the Twin Towers were attack so was the Pentagon, United states millitary base of operation. In this twenty dollar bill we see the Pentagon in smoke( when the Pentagon was attacked). It was first rumored that the Pentagon was attacked by an airplane just like the Twin Towers, but no wreckage of an airplane was found at the site of the crash. So the latest rumor was that the Pentagon was attacked by a missle.

Monday, May 24, 2010

United States ($1) Dollar Consipracy

Many people have argued that there are hidden symbols within the United States One dollar bill. They have argued that the hidden symbols are symbols that can be related to "Masonic symbols". Masonic symbols referr to the ferternity called the Free Masons, who people also believe are related to the suspious group of the "Illuminati". These symbols can be found within the seal of the dollar and the Pyramid of the dollar. Here are both sides of the Consipracy using the two sources pasted below. Starting with the eye on the pyramid. According to consipracist the eye on top of the pyramid represents "the all seeing eye" a masonic symbol. All though historians referr to the eye as the "Eye of Horus", one of the many egyptian gods. The symbolism behind the eye indicates wisdom. Above the "all seeing eye" is a phrase in latin "Annuit Coeptis", which according to the media source means. "He has favored our undertakings" and in the consipracy source it translates to "He approves of our enterprise". When seeing both sources came up with different answers I took it upon myself to see what i found and after several Latin to English translators I receieved the phrase "To obliterate to Begin". What I realized though is that the author of the consipracy website mispelled "Coeptis" and instead wrote "Coeptus" which means undertaking, but referred to the phrase as "enterprise" and the media source spelled "Coeptis" correctly but used the definition "Undertaking". The other latin phrase "Novus Ordo Seclorum," correctly translates to "A new order of the ages" but its the meaning behind the word "New world Order" that consipracist are speculating about. Consipracist believe that the plot behind the Illuminati or the free masons is a "New World Order" where a new type of world with new policies will come to effect. This phrase of N.W.O is also mentioned in other places like the Eminem song "Lose Yourself", also heard by both George Bush(senior) speech, and by current president Obama when he was in his political campaign. Referr to the sources for further details in the consipracy behind the dollar.