Monday, April 26, 2010

The Coin Conspiracy

The Coin Consipracy is a basic cosiracy stating that their is a symbolical message behind the United States coins that include the United States penny, nickel, dime and quarter.
As you can see in the picture out of the four common coins in the United States. The penny is the only coin that seems to be looking the opposite direction. As the nickel, dime and quarter are all looking towards the left the copper penny is the only coin looking in the opposite direction "The right side", facing the other silver coins. This consipracy revolves around the idea that the reason for the penny facing the other silver coins, is because of president Abraham Lincoln action of The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, that freed the slaves within the United States terriorties. When the coins were created people still considered the action taken by the president to be considered negative. Since African American people will still not accepted by the people in Society and was still considered inferior to other races. So the reason why Lincoln is facing in the other direction is because people of the time period believed that Lincoln "Turned his back on America".
Although i personally believe that what Lincoln did was rightous, because living in a time period were everyone thinks a certain way is difficult. And to go against that is going against that is extremely difficult. President Lincoln might have taken some criticsm for this action but in the end this action was right because not only did it let an entire race free it also set an example for other nations at the time. To do what is right and to try to establish equality.


  1. Edit, edit, edit. No one will even accidentally mistake this as truth with the grammatical errors and incomplete sentences, such as the one under the coin photo, "As you can see in the picture out of the four common coins in the United States.". As we can see what? There is no subject here. It would be a very interesting article if it was written correctly. Most people associate grammatical errors with fakes and scams. Just trying to help...

  2. Edit, edit, edit. No one will even accidentally mistake this as truth with the grammatical errors and incomplete sentences, such as the one under the coin photo, "As you can see in the picture out of the four common coins in the United States.". As we can see what? There is no subject here. It would be a very interesting article if it was written correctly. Most people associate grammatical errors with fakes and scams. Just trying to help...

    1. “As you can see..” is referring to the picture of the coins. It’s painfully obvious that’s what they’re referencing..
